
Welcome to an old islander estate from 1800´s

Lilla Nennebo

Guesthouse with 44 square meters space. Kitchenette/dining area/living room + sleeping room + sleepingbalcony + bathroom/toilet with shower. Beds for 2 + 2(sleepingbalcony), extra bed available for 2 persons.

Sauna and boathouse

Woodheated sauna is available for both Villas on their turn. Boathouse, beacharea and rowingboat are available for both Villas. There is a deck and swimming stairs, even own sandbeach and a huge rocky cliff. 


Address: Eteläkärjentie 461 Särkisalo Salo

By car: from Turku 102 km

Salo 58 km

Helsinki 156 km

Pettu ferry drives by timetable from Ulkoluoto (loook at www.petunlossi.com)

By boat: 60.02.00 N, 22.94.03 E
