Pettu island
Pettu island is 9 square kilometers big. There is just one road circling around the island, in southern part the name is Eteläkärjentie and in northern part of island Tiiliruukintie, which will change to Petuntie. There is two combining roads, Petuntie and Mina Uppmanin tie. Most of the islands shoreline is owned by private persons and are not available, but there is some places for birdwatcher which can be guided. The roads are perfect for hiking, nordic walking, jogging and cycling and there is many trails in forests for hiking.
Pettu manor is located on the islands northern part. There is a summer cafe Petun kartanon Kahvila ja Puoti, which is open on summertime every day and autumn still on weekends, look at www.petunkartano. In the cafe you can have fresh sweet bakings, home baked bread, waffles, wraps, smoothies and so on. Cafe shop sells out bakings, garden products, fresh vegetables, refreshment, different kind of organic products, honey, marmelades, cheese, frozen meat, ice cream and so on. Address is Petuntie 396.
Painter Helena Sundberg´s ateljé home is in Lönnviken in address Eteläkärjentie 150. Many of Sundberg´s sea item akvarels have been painted in Pettu archipelago.
Pettu arboretum has 43 unusual tree species, which are not endemic in Finland. Most imposing forest is giant cedar forest, like from fairy tales. Cedars have been growing bigger than the planted cedars usually grow in Finland.
Nearest grocery store is in Särkisalo center. Another summer cafe is located in Niksaari by Ulkoluoto bridge. In Bromarv there is grocery store, restaurant, cafe and gas station but you need a boat to get there. In Skata there is summer cafe as well but behind a boat trip as well.